Writing and Research Tips


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Book Release: PhDone

23rd June 2023

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Submitting Your Dissertation or Thesis to ProQuest

26th November 2019

After your final revisions are complete, your manuscript has been edited, and you are completely finished with your thesis or dissertation, you’ll upload your manuscript to ProQuest.

Writing 1000 Words a Day (or 750, or 500...)

10th September 2019

Did our blog headline get your attention? Great! We thought it would. Too good to be true, you might be asking? Nope.

How to Beat Back-to-School Nerves

22nd August 2019

If you’ve been in any store lately, you know it’s just around the corner: back-to-school time! You can’t escape the school sales, kids stocking up on clothing and school supplies, and that oh-so-familiar smell of new notebooks, paper, and the memory of the thrill of choosing just the right backpack and lunch box.

The Importance of Fact-Checking and Understanding Your Research

27th June 2019

Recently, the author Naomi Wolf learned – on-air, no less – that a major premise of her book is based on a misunderstanding.

Setting Reasonable and Attainable Goals in Dissertation Writing

16th April 2019

The dissertation writing process is a long one – the dissertation process itself is more like an Ironman triathlon than a quick sprint.

Acing Your Dissertation Defense

26th March 2019

After you turn in your dissertation, you will have a defense. The actual format can vary among disciplines and schools, but, in general, it’s a one to two hour event in which you “defend” your work, answer questions, or present your findings to your committee and colleagues.

National Grammar Day

4th March 2019

Did you know that today is the only day of the year that is also a complete sentence? March Fo(u)rth! It’s only fitting, then, that today is also National Grammar Day.

Selecting Your Dissertation Committee

26th February 2019

Choosing your dissertation or thesis committee is perhaps one of the most difficult but important decisions you will have to make as a graduate student.

Formatting Friday: Putting Tables into your Dissertation

29th June 2018

Visual aids like tables and figures can provide the reader with necessary information quickly and clearly, but if you have too many unnecessary tables or figures, they can interrupt the flow of the paper and become an annoying distraction to the reader.

Developing a Persuasive Scholarly Writing Style

19th July 2016

At the beginning of the dissertation writing process, many students have yet to develop an appropriately academic writing style.

When writing my dissertation, I realized that I needed, and wanted, to make my final deliverables the very best representation of me and my work. I employed D|E to review and give suggestions, recommendations, and input to my efforts – and I was not disappointed. D|E’s staff were all very responsive, professional, and qualified.
After receiving my PhD, I again contacted D|E to assist and direct me in converting and expanding upon my dissertation into a Book. Once again, I was not disappointed and extremely pleased with D|E’s staff experience, knowledge, and expertise. My book is currently published and available for purchase on Amazon.com. I highly recommend D|E.

- Zelma Talley , Dr.

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