Writing and Research Tips


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Need to Get Organized? Read These Books

15th September 2020

Getting and staying organized: for some people, it comes naturally. For others, it takes some work and effort.

How an Academic Bullet Journal Can Help with your Dissertation Work

9th April 2019

By now, you’ve probably heard of bullet journals, or BuJos. We even posted this article about their use with dissertation work and academia from Inside Higher Education on our Facebook page.

Organizing Your Dissertation: A Reverse Outline

8th November 2018

You’re probably familiar with using an outline to help plan your thesis or dissertation, but what about a reverse outline? A reverse outline is usually used to check your work.

Choosing a Theoretical Framework

24th April 2018

Without a theoretical framework, your dissertation can read as unfocused and unmoored – as if you’re floundering for rationale, or are lost within your research, without a clear path.

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