Writing and Research Tips


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Self-Publishing 101

20th August 2020

So you want to write a book – great! Or better yet, you’ve written a book – even better! How will you publish it? There is the traditional mode of publishing: depending on your genre, you need an agent, who will then submit the manuscript to publishers.

Benefits of Joining a Virtual Writing Group

18th August 2020

Writing groups have always been helpful, and, especially in graduate school, they’re often done in-person.

The Benefits of Joining a Book Club

4th June 2020

Book clubs can be a fun, engaging, and educational experience at any time, but especially now during the COVID-19 stay-in-place orders, they can be especially helpful.

Helpful Websites for Writers

2nd June 2020

Whether you’re writing your thesis or dissertation, a journal article, or a novel or memoir, sometimes you need…something else.

Dissertation Editor: What We Do

8th October 2019

The school year is getting underway and Dissertation Editor is ready to help! Our name might have the word “dissertation” in it, but did you know that we aren’t just for dissertations or theses? That’s right! We offer a range of services for both students and professionals, at every stage of your career.

Writing 1000 Words a Day (or 750, or 500...)

10th September 2019

Did our blog headline get your attention? Great! We thought it would. Too good to be true, you might be asking? Nope.

Podcasts for Writing

13th August 2019

Are you a podcast-listener? We’ve talked about podcasts for graduate students before, but as you know, whatever you’re interested in, there’s a podcast for that! Here are some that may be helpful in writing your dissertation – and writing in general, too.

How to Deal with Rejection (From Academic Journals)

23rd July 2019

It happens to everyone. Really, it does – rejection from academic journals. It’s almost a rite of passage.

Summer Reading: Books and Workbooks on Academic Writing

9th July 2019

Summer is a great time to work on any challenges you might have with writing, especially academic writing.

Basics of Submitting to Academic Journals

2nd July 2019

Summer is a great time to start thinking about submitting to journals for publication. You might be working with a professor on research, have you dissertation, or other paper, completed that shows some promise, or you finally have time to finesse that article you’ve been working on.

How to Write a Cover Letter

6th February 2019

So you’re applying for a job: you’ve spent countless hours scouring the job databases and listservs, polished your CV or resume…now to tackle the cover letter.

How to Write a Teaching Philosophy

22nd January 2019

If you’re going into academia - teaching, especially - then at some point you’ve likely been asked to write a statement of your teaching philosophy.

How to Write Professional Emails

23rd October 2018

You’re probably wondering why we’re devoting a whole blog post to the simple task of emailing – after all, we all do it, right? What could we possibly blog about? Well…a lot, it turns out.

Scholarly Writing Tips: Writing Application Essays

16th October 2018

Have you decided to apply to graduate school or apply for a fellowship? Are you applying to go back to school after being out for a few years? The application process can be challenging, especially the essays or personal statements, especially if it’s been a while since you’ve had to write anything for school.

Scholarly Writing Tips: Writing a Grant Proposal

9th October 2018

Depending on your research and your research needs, sometimes you need additional funding through grants.

Converting your Dissertation into a Book: Not as Easy as it Might Seem

16th August 2018

The day has come: your dissertation is finished, you passed, it’s all bound up and in your hands. After a much-deserved break and some relaxation, you might be considering turning your dissertation into a book – after all, it’s a fascinating topic, you’ve thoroughly researched it, and you have a lot to say about the topic.

How to Write a Resume or CV

22nd May 2018

Applying for a new job can be stressful, and often, the key to getting your foot in the door for a second look or an interview is a well-organized, thoughtful resume or CV.

The Dissertation Editor provided me qualified and professional support with my dissertation (in the statistical analysis and editing phases). The service has been highly professional and delivered in a timely manner both times and since the initial contact. I am highly satisfied and absolutely recommend it!


- Francesca L.

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