Writing and Research Tips


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National Library Week!

20th April 2020

It’s National Library Week (4/19-4/25) – a time to celebrate the libraries in your life. Libraries serve the needs of their communities, whether it’s a busy undergrad university, a small charter school, a research institution, an inner-city neighborhood, or a graduate school.

How Do You Know if You Have the Right Dissertation/Thesis Topic?

31st March 2020

Many people spend a lot of time wondering how to choose a thesis or dissertation topic, but how do you know when you have the right one? Well, it can be different for everyone, including how you define “the right topic,” but there are a few ways to know you’ve picked a good topic.

Choosing Credible Sources

24th March 2020

In this day and age, we are lucky to have a surplus of scholarly information at our fingertips. No more are the hours of paging through card catalogs or scrolling through microfiche.

Keeping a Research Journal

10th December 2019

We’ve discussed academic bullet journaling and how it can help you in a previous blog post, but what about keeping a research journal? While bullet journaling keeps a record of your deadlines and schedules, a research journal is different.

The Importance of Fact-Checking and Understanding Your Research

27th June 2019

Recently, the author Naomi Wolf learned – on-air, no less – that a major premise of her book is based on a misunderstanding.

Why Reading Widely Is So Important

19th March 2019

If you talk with any professional writer, at some point they will likely tell you that if you’re interested in becoming a writer, you need to read.

How to Construct an Effective Poster Presentation

15th November 2018

If you decide to present your research at a conference, you might have to prepare a poster presentation.

Dissertation Writing Tips: How to Paraphrase

6th September 2018

Avoiding plagiarism is a central focus when you’re writing your dissertation, and part of that involves paraphrasing the research you read.

Dissertation Research Tips: Choosing a Topic

7th August 2018

Some people go into their doctoral program with a clear idea of what they want to study and never waver from it; others have a vague sense of what they want their topic to be, and then fine-tune it; still others go in with some idea, and then end up focusing on a completely different topic altogether.

Choosing a Theoretical Framework

24th April 2018

Without a theoretical framework, your dissertation can read as unfocused and unmoored – as if you’re floundering for rationale, or are lost within your research, without a clear path.

What are "scholarly sources?"

20th March 2018

We get a variety of email queries about writing and research, and one of the most common includes questions about sources: namely, what kinds of sources are appropriate for a thesis or dissertation, and what constitutes a “scholarly source?” Many times, a client will email us because their advisor has commented on the lack of scholarly sources; or they’re unsure about whether or not they’ve gotten adequate sources.

Dissertation Editor provides an excellent service and a quality product. Their editorial staff is skilled in providing excellent critiques of writing and guidance. I highly recommend using Dissertation Editor for any writing needs.


- Keith B.

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