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Qualitative vs. Quantitative Methodology

31st July 2021

What is the Difference Between Qualitative and Quantitative Methodology? The difference between qualitative and quantitative dissertations can be seen in the meaning of each word:  qualitative comes from the Latin qualis, “of what kind?” while quantitative comes from the Latin quantus, “of what size?” Qualitative studies seek to understand subjective interrelationships while quantitative studies seek to establish and examine definitive numerical relationships.

Pi Day is Here!

14th March 2018

Happy Pi Day! What is Pi Day, you ask? Pi Day is celebrated on March 14, or 3/14. (It also happens to be Albert Einstein’s birthday, ironically).

When writing my dissertation, I realized that I needed, and wanted, to make my final deliverables the very best representation of me and my work. I employed D|E to review and give suggestions, recommendations, and input to my efforts – and I was not disappointed. D|E’s staff were all very responsive, professional, and qualified.
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