Writing and Research Tips


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Submitting Your Dissertation or Thesis to ProQuest

26th November 2019

After your final revisions are complete, your manuscript has been edited, and you are completely finished with your thesis or dissertation, you’ll upload your manuscript to ProQuest.

How to Beat Back-to-School Nerves

22nd August 2019

If you’ve been in any store lately, you know it’s just around the corner: back-to-school time! You can’t escape the school sales, kids stocking up on clothing and school supplies, and that oh-so-familiar smell of new notebooks, paper, and the memory of the thrill of choosing just the right backpack and lunch box.

Selecting Your Dissertation Committee

26th February 2019

Choosing your dissertation or thesis committee is perhaps one of the most difficult but important decisions you will have to make as a graduate student.

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